Institut für Mathematik
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Institute of Mathematics: Georg Cantor House

In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Karl Strehmel

On 12 December 2023, our highly esteemed colleague Karl Strehmel, university professor and founder of the NUMDIFF conference series, passed away after a short, serious illness.
Karl Strehmel was a great mathematician and scientist who, even in times of German and European division, worked with great commitment and skill to promote international scientific cooperation that transcended borders. In the early 1980s, he founded the "Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations" seminars, which have since brought together many leading international experts in this field at the NUMDIFF conferences at Martin Luther University. We will commemorate him at NUMDIFF-17 in September 2024.
We remember with gratitude an academic teacher who opened up new horizons and inspired enthusiasm for his field.
In memoriam: Professor Reinhard (Reiner) Kühnau

Professor Reinhard Kühnau died on November 18, 2022, at the age of 86. Professor Kühnau specialized in geometric function theory and worked at the Institute of Mathematics from 1960 to 2002. In 1990, he was elected to Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences.
Obituary Prof. Kühnau (in German)
Traueranzeige Kühnau.pdf
(639.5 KB) vom 28.03.2023
Out of passion for mathematics — a lifetime dedicated to science

Professor Alfred Göpfert died on January 22, 2023, at the age of 88. He was the last rector of Carl Schorlemmer Technical University Leuna-Merseburg and played an essential role in restructuring the university education system after the reunification of Germany.